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How to Meditate with Tarot Cards: Simple Techniques for Beginners

    how to meditate with tarot cards

    Meditating with tarot cards can be a powerful way to enhance your spiritual growth and gain deeper insights into your personal journey.

    As you embark on this unique meditation practice, you’ll discover the transformative power of tarot and how it can help you achieve a deeper state of mindfulness, mental clarity, and connection to your inner wisdom.

    Begin by selecting a tarot card that resonates with your current feelings, thoughts, or energies. You might choose a card randomly, or you can select one based on a particular topic that’s been on your mind lately. Once you have your chosen card, find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and focus your attention on the card’s imagery, symbolism, and any personal associations you have with it. As you breathe deeply and clear your mind, allow the card to act as a mirror, guiding you towards self-reflection and inner exploration.

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    Preparing for Tarot Meditation

    Select a Tarot Card

    woman with favorite tarot card

    To begin your Tarot meditation, you’ll need to select a Tarot card from your deck.

    You can either randomly select a card or choose one that you want to connect more deeply with.

    If you have a specific topic or question in mind, it might be helpful to choose a card that relates to that subject. If you’re still learning the meanings of Tarot cards, selecting a card at random can help you become more familiar with the deck. 🙂

    Create a Relaxing Environment

    sacred space for tarot

    In order to have a successful Tarot meditation, it’s important to create a relaxing environment in your space. To do this, you can:

    • Wear comfortable clothing
    • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position
    • Light a candle to bring a calming atmosphere
    • Burn some incense or essential oils to help you focus and enhance your meditation

    Creating a peaceful environment helps you to clear your mind, better connecting you to the insights and messages your chosen Tarot card has to offer.

    Set an Intention

    person meditating

    Before you begin your meditation, take a moment to set an intention for the session.

    An intention can be a question you want answered, a situation you want guidance on, or simply a desire for increased self-awareness or spiritual growth.

    By setting an intention, you create a framework for the messages and insights to come through during your Tarot meditation.

    With your Tarot card selected, your environment prepared, and your intention set, you’re now ready to dive into Tarot meditation and unlock the wisdom of the cards.

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    Basic Tarot Meditation Techniques

    person meditating with closed eyes

    Breathing and Relaxation

    Before you begin your tarot meditation practice, it is essential to find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax and focus.

    Start by taking slow, deep breaths ( this helps to calm you down if you feel a bit agitated…). As you breath, focus on releasing any tension or anxiety in your body, allowing your muscles to loosen and your mind to find a sense of peace.

    Mindfulness Meditation

    Incorporating mindfulness into your tarot meditation practice can help you gain a deeper understanding of the cards and their meanings.

    To begin, you certainly have chosen a tarot card that represents a question or topic that is top of mind for you.

    Hold the card in your hands, observing its imagery, symbolism, and colors. Describe what you see, what it reminds you of, what you like, don’t like, what it means for you.

    As you study the card, let go of any preconceived ideas or interpretations.

    Instead, try to quiet your conscious mind and allow your subconscious to connect with the card’s energy. This process of self-reflection can reveal new insights into the card’s meaning and help you develop a more profound connection with the tarot deck.

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    Visualizing Card Imagery

    Visualization is a powerful tool in tarot meditation, as it allows your subconscious mind to explore the deeper symbolism of the cards.

    Once you have selected a card and spent some time in mindfulness meditation, close your eyes and visualize the card’s imagery. Pay close attention to any details that stand out to you, as these can provide important clues to the card’s meaning.

    As you visualize the card, imagine yourself stepping into the scene and interacting with its characters, objects, and surroundings. I call this tarot day dreaming haha. Imagine yourself in the card and how it affects you….. ( I know it sounds silly but bear with me, this visualization excercise is incredible if you take the time to to do it…)

    Consider how the card’s energy might manifest in your life and how it relates to your current situation or question.

    During this process of visualization, your subconscious mind can reveal new layers of understanding, helping you access your inner wisdom and gain clarity on the card’s message.

    Remember that tarot meditation is a personal and intimate practice, and there is no right or wrong way to approach it. Your way is the right way 🙂

    Be open to self-discovery and trust your intuition as you explore the world of tarot. With practice, patience, and focus, you can harness the lessons of the tarot to enhance your meditation practice, overcome distractions, and foster a greater sense of inner peace and self-awareness.

    Understanding Tarot Card Symbolism

    rider waite tarot deck

    When you start working with tarot cards, understanding the symbolism of the cards is essential.

    The rich art and symbols in each card play a significant role in tapping into your intuition and gaining insights from the readings.

    If you are not familiar with the basics, let’s break down the tarot deck into its two main components: the Major Arcana cards and the Minor Arcana cards.

    Major Arcana Cards

    The Major Arcana cards represent significant life matters, spiritual lessons, and deep psychological archetypes.

    There are 22 cards in this part of the deck, each with unique symbolism and meanings. To get the most out of your tarot meditations, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the archetypal imagery in the Major Arcana cards.

    For example, The Lovers card signifies harmony, relationships, and choices, while the Death card represents transformation and the end of a certain phase in your life. By reflecting on the art and symbolism of these cards, you can gain insights into your life journey and a greater sense of inner wisdom.

    Minor Arcana Cards

    The Minor Arcana cards make up the remaining 56 cards in a tarot deck, and they are further divided into 4 groups called suits: pentacles, wands, cups and swords.

    Each group represents a different aspect of your life:

    • Cups: Emotions, relationships, and intuition
    • Wands: Creativity, energy, and action
    • Swords: Thoughts, communication, and conflicts
    • Pentacles: Material matters, finances, and work

    Each card in the Minor Arcana conveys a lesson or a message, and understanding their symbolism helps you gain clarity and guidance throughout your life.

    For example, the Two of Cups represents love and partnership, while the Ten of Wands symbolizes overburdening yourself with responsibilities.

    In your tarot meditations, pay particular attention to the suit a card belongs to, as this will provide more context for your interpretation.

    Every detail in the cards, from the colors to the numerology, can offer additional insights into your readings.

    When you practice meditating with tarot cards, allow yourself to enter a state of silence and reflection.

    This helps create the space needed for your intuition to blossom, enhancing your connection to the cards and the messages they hold. By delving into the rich symbolism of both Major and Minor Arcana cards, you’ll become more confident in your interpretations and be able to unlock the guidance that tarot cards can provide.

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    Connecting with Your Intuition

    tarot cards and a notebook on a bed

    Journaling Insights

    During your meditation with tarot cards, you’ll experience insights and intuitive thoughts.

    To capture and reflect on these insights, it’s helpful to keep a journal nearby such as this one as an example on Amazon. Check our article on journaling here.

    After meditating, take some time to write down your thoughts, feelings, and any messages you believe the cards are conveying. This practice helps you deepen your self-awareness and strengthen the connection with your inner self.

    Remember to remain relaxed throughout the process; tarot is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and shouldn’t be rushed.

    Feel free to use essential oils, soft music or any other items that assist you in creating a calming atmosphere for your meditation.

    Interpreting Tarot Patterns

    To better understand the symbolic meaning of tarot cards, you can examine the patterns that cards form when you lay them out.

    As you shuffle your tarot deck, keep your present circumstances or questions in mind and try to focus on your intuition.

    When you feel ready, pull the cards and lay them out in your preferred pattern or spread. Observe the overall composition of the spread, taking note of the distribution of Major and Minor Arcana cards, repeating numbers, and sequences.

    These patterns can reveal insights about your psyche and even offer guidance for personal development.

    As you meditate with tarot cards, continue to practice your interpretation skills. Over time, you will become more in tune with your intuition and more adept at deciphering the cards’ manifestations.

    By connecting with your inner wisdom through journaling and pattern recognition, you’re fostering spiritual growth and enabling a powerful sense of self-understanding.

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    Advanced Tarot Meditation Practices

    man meditating

    22 – Step Guided Tarot Meditation

    If you’re looking to deepen your tarot meditation practice, consider trying guided tarot meditation. This approach helps in achieving a greater level of inner peace and self-discovery through detailed introspection.

    To begin, create a calming environment, possibly with candles and soft music. Next, spread the 22 major arcana in order starting with the fool and ending with the world. ( The 22 major cards represent a full life circle.) Then, select a tarot card as your starting point that resonates the most with your current situation, it could be for example The Hermit for introspection or The Fool for new beginnings.

    Throughout the guided meditation, visualize the card’s imagery and connect with its story, allowing it to guide your internal journey and spend time on each card. Imagine each card as a milestone where you can get the lessons and insight you may need to understand your situation.

    Needless to say this mediation can take some time.

    You can spend one day for each card.

    Do you have to complete a full circle? absolutely not. If you need to, go ahead…. but you can stop when you feel you got the guidance you needed….

    You could use 2 cards, 5 cards or 22 cards… Just let you mind follow the beautiful tarot journey depicted on the cards 🙂

    This meditation technique can provide mental clarity and insights into your life, enhancing compassion and understanding.

    Tarot Workbook

    A tarot workbook is an excellent tool for learning how to read tarot cards while deepening your meditation practice.

    Combining journaling, exercises, and tarot study, a workbook provides a structured, personalized approach to tarot card caould devite for each card one page for :

    • the description of the card
    • the results of your meditation
    • the notes of your tarot books
    • the meanings ( upright and reversed if you read both)
    • etc…. be creative 🙂

    In your tarot workbook, record your reading notes, thoughts, feelings, and insights related to each card, reinforcing your understanding of the card’s symbolism and message.

    By utilizing this practice, your tarot meditation will become more intuitive, providing a stronger connection to your inner wisdom and self-discovery.

    Tarot Newsletter

    Subscribing to a tarot newsletter is a great way to stay informed and further develop your tarot meditation practice. With regular updates on tarot techniques, card interpretations, and community news, you’ll be able to explore diverse perspectives and stay motivated on your journey.

    Some newsletters provide guided meditations, visualization exercises, or focus on specific aspects of the tarot practice, such as self-discovery or internal journey themes.

    By engaging with a tarot newsletter, you’ll continuously learn new ways to deepen your practice and integrate tarot meditation into your daily life.

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