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The Common Tarot Beginner Mistakes: Avoid These Pitfalls for a Smoother Journey

    common tarot beginner mistakes

    Tarot cards have been around for centuries, guiding individuals on their spiritual, emotional, and personal journeys.

    As beginners, it’s not uncommon for people to make mistakes while learning to read and interpret these mystical cards. I think I made them all….

    It’s essential to recognize these pitfalls and learn from them to enhance our tarot reading skills and connect more deeply with the cards.

    Understanding the fundamentals of tarot reading, along with researching and learning the traditional meanings and symbolism of the cards, is crucial for anyone looking to improve their skills.

    Connecting with the cards on a personal level and having faith in our intuition is the key to providing insightful and accurate readings for ourselves and others.

    Key Takeaways

    • Recognize and learn from common tarot beginner mistakes to enhance our reading skills.
    • Focus on understanding tarot fundamentals, symbolism, and traditional meanings.
    • Develop a personal connection with the cards and trust our intuition for more accurate readings.

    Common Tarot Mistakes

    tarot spread with 4 cards

    As we navigate the world of Tarot, it’s essential to be aware of common mistakes that beginners tend to make. In this section, we’ll explore six common Tarot mistakes: Ignoring Intuition, Relying on Memorization Only, Misusing Reversals, Asking the Wrong Questions, Overuse of Clarifiers, Performing Multiple Readings and choosing the wrong spread. Let’s dive in!

    Ignoring Intuition

    One of the biggest mistakes when learning Tarot is not trusting our intuition.

    Tarot is a powerful tool that works with our inner wisdom and subconscious mind.

    When we focus too much on textbook meanings or external sources, we may miss the intuitive messages coming through. Trusting our gut feelings and unique interpretation of the cards is a crucial part of growing as a Tarot reader.

    Relying on Memorization Only

    While it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the traditional meanings of the Tarot cards, relying solely on memorization can limit our readings.

    Tarot is a deeply personal and intuitive practice, so it’s important to develop our own connection with the cards. By incorporating elements of our own experiences and symbolism, we can provide richer and more accurate interpretations for ourselves and others.

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    Misusing Reversals

    Some don’t use reversals…. it is up to each reader to decide but I personaly feel reversals really add more depth to a reading…. ( of course as I said, just a personal opinion lol)

    Reversed Tarot cards can offer valuable insight, but it’s important not to misuse them or assume that they always have negative connotations.

    Reversed cards can represent blocked energy, internal struggles, or an emphasis on the card’s themes. It’s essential to consider the context and our intuition when interpreting reversals, rather than assuming a one-size-fits-all approach.

    Asking the Wrong Questions

    Avoid asking questions that are too vague, focus solely on negative outcomes, or try to control other people’s actions.

    Instead, focus on self-empowerment, personal development, and questions that promote growth and insight. Asking open-ended questions can help us better understand our current circumstances or create positive change in our lives.

    Overuse of Clarifiers

    That was me lol I could start with a 3 card spread and end up with 20 cards hahaha until i would find a positive card hahah. I know I know….

    While clarifying cards can sometimes provide additional insight, overusing them can lead to confusion and contradictory messages.

    Limiting the use of clarifiers allows for clearer readings and helps maintain focus on the cards already drawn. Trusting our intuition and ability to interpret the initial spread is an essential part of the learning process.

    Performing Multiple Readings

    Resist the temptation to perform multiple readings on the same question, hoping for different results. ( here again, that was me lol)

    This can lead to confusion and make it difficult to discern genuine insights. Instead, allow time for the initial reading’s insights to unfold and resist the urge to “test” the cards with repeat questions. Develop trust in the guidance received and apply the lessons to our lives for meaningful growth.

    By familiarizing ourselves with these common Tarot mistakes and implementing strategies to overcome them, we can deepen our knowledge, enhance our connection with the cards, and provide more accurate and insightful readings.

    Using very complicated Spreads

    Using the complex spread for beginners is really putting the cart before the horse. Why trying to run if you don’t know how to walk?

    The tarot spread we choose for a reading plays a crucial role in the accuracy and relevance of the insights we uncover. Different spreads cater to different questions and situations. Before starting a reading, we should carefully consider which spread aligns best with the seeker’s query.

    For tarot beginners, it’s wise to start with simple and commonly used spreads like the three-card spread or the Celtic Cross.

    The three-card spread is perfect for answering straightforward questions and for quick daily readings. The Celtic Cross, on the other hand, offers more in-depth insights into complex situations.

    As we gain experience, we can explore more intricate spreads and even create our own. The key is to ensure the chosen spread effectively addresses the question that prompted the tarot reading.

    By focusing on mastering card meanings and choosing appropriate spreads, we can enhance our tarot reading skills and better serve those seeking guidance from the cards.

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    Connecting with Tarot Cards

    tarot cards exploring and crystals

    When starting your tarot practice, it is also important to establish a strong connection with your tarot cards. This involves cleansing your deck and building a relationship with the cards. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to strengthen your bond with your tarot cards and enhance your readings.

    Cleansing Your Deck

    Cleansing your tarot cards is essential for maintaining a clear and positive energy flow throughout the deck. When we cleanse our cards, we remove any negative energies or emotions that might have attached themselves to the cards during previous readings or even at the manufacturing stage.

    There are several methods for cleansing your tarot cards, such as:

    • Smudging with sage or palo santo
    • Passing the cards through the smoke of incense
    • Placing a cleansing crystal, like selenite or clear quartz, on top of the deck overnight
    • Envisioning a bright, clearing light passing through the cards while meditating

    It’s important to find the method that resonates with you the most. Cleansing your deck will help ensure your cards maintain their energetic integrity and provide you with accurate and insightful readings.

    Building a Relationship with Your Cards

    Developing a strong relationship with your tarot cards is crucial for a successful tarot practice. We can achieve this by taking the time to meditate and connect with the unique energy of our cards. Some ways to foster a deeper connection include:

    • Visually meditating with each card: As mentioned on TarotLuv, pick a card and, if there are characters in it, imagine yourself talking to them. Absorb the energy and emotions the card evokes and allow yourself to fully resonate with its symbolism.
    • Shuffling the deck regularly: Shuffling is more than just a practical step in preparing for a reading. It is also a meditative process that helps you bond with your cards and tune into their energy.
    • Carrying your deck with you: Keeping your tarot cards close by in a protective pouch or bag allows you to continually strengthen your connection with them. Additionally, it provides opportunities to practice and use your cards whenever you find a moment of quiet reflection.

    By making an effort to cleanse and connect with your tarot cards, you’ll develop a strong bond that will enhance your overall tarot practice and lead to more accurate and insightful readings.

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    Tarot Research and Tradition

    rider waite tarot deck

    As we dive into the world of tarot, it’s also beneficial for beginners to familiarize themselves with various tarot systems and explore the rich history behind this ancient practice. In this section, we’ll discuss how we can expand our knowledge and understanding of tarot by studying different systems and delving into its past.

    Studying Various Tarot Systems

    One of the best ways to deepen our understanding of tarot is to study the different systems that exist. Although the Rider-Waite-Smith system is probably the most well-known and widely used, there are many others to discover, such as the Thoth system ( which is in my to do plan haha), the Marseille system.

    By learning about different tarot systems, we can gain a broader perspective on the art of tarot reading and enhance our skills as readers.

    To study various tarot systems, we can:

    • Read books and online resources dedicated to specific systems
    • Join tarot communities and forums to learn from experienced readers
    • Attend workshops, courses, or tarot meetups in our local area
    • Practice using different tarot decks representing various systems

    Exploring Tarot History

    In addition to studying different tarot systems, understanding the rich history of tarot can also enrich our experience. Tarot’s origins can be traced back to the 15th century, and since then, it has evolved and grown into the modern practice we know today. Knowing the context in which tarot emerged and evolved can help us better appreciate the depth and complexity of this ancient tradition.

    Here are some ways we can explore tarot history:

    • Read books, articles, and scholarly research about the history of tarot
    • Visit museums, exhibitions, or libraries dedicated to tarot and its origins
    • Reach out to tarot experts and researchers to ask questions or engage in discussions
    • Watch documentaries, lectures, or presentations related to tarot history

    By immersing ourselves in tarot research and tradition, we can deepen our connection with this ancient practice and enhance our abilities as readers. As we continue to expand our knowledge of tarot systems and its history, we’ll be better equipped to guide others in their own tarot journeys.

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    Improving Tarot Reading Skills

    tarot reading with a querent

    As we embark on our tarot journey, it’s essential to continuously improve our skills and avoid common beginner mistakes. In this section, we’ll discuss three strategies to help enhance our tarot reading abilities: Practicing with Different Decks, Working on Your Intuitive Abilities, and Seeking Feedback.

    Practicing with Different Decks

    Experimenting with various tarot decks allows us to understand the diverse interpretations, symbolism, and energies of the cards.

    As we practice with different decks, we become well-versed in the nuances and unique traits that each deck brings to our readings.

    By expanding our repertoire, we can help the querent gain a deeper insight and provide more accurate guidance based on the specific deck used for that reading.

    Working on Your Intuitive Abilities

    Developing our intuition is a crucial aspect of becoming a proficient tarot reader.

    Tarot is based on personal insight and guidance from our intuition; the cards serve as conduits that help us tap into our subconscious mind.

    To improve our intuitive abilities, we can:

    • Set aside regular time for meditation and self-reflection.
    • Pay close attention to our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations during readings.
    • Learn to trust our initial impressions and gut reactions.

    By honing our intuitive skills, we can provide richer and more insightful readings that resonate with the querent’s personal experiences and needs.

    Seeking Feedback

    Receiving feedback from the querent or other tarot readers can help us enhance our skills and avoid common beginner mistakes.

    Constructive criticism allows us to fine-tune our abilities, learn from our experiences, and grow as a tarot reader. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if something doesn’t make sense, or if the meaning of a card is unclear in the context of the reading.

    By discerning our strengths and areas for improvement, we can work towards mastering the art of tarot and providing even more valuable guidance to those who seek our assistance.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are some common misconceptions about reading tarot?

    There are a few misconceptions about tarot that we’d like to address. First, many people believe that tarot cards can predict the future. While tarot can provide insights into possible outcomes, it’s important to remember that our choices and actions ultimately shape our lives. Secondly, some think that tarot is only for professional readers or those with psychic abilities. In reality, anyone can learn to read tarot and benefit from its wisdom.

    How can I avoid common mistakes when interpreting cards?

    To avoid common mistakes, take your time when studying and interpreting the cards. Make sure you understand the meanings of each card, both upright and reversed. Focus on your intuition and allow the cards to speak to you, rather than relying solely on memorized meanings. Additionally, practice self-awareness and avoid reading when you’re highly emotional, as this can cloud your judgment.

    What should I avoid when choosing a tarot spread?

    When selecting a tarot spread, avoid using overly complicated layouts or spreads that you are unfamiliar with. Instead, start with simple spreads, like the three-card spread or the Celtic Cross, and gradually expand your repertoire as you gain experience and confidence.

    How can I improve my connection with my deck?

    To strengthen your connection to your tarot deck, spend time regularly handling and studying your cards. Familiarize yourself with the artwork, symbolism, and overall energy of each card. Practice meditation and visualize the cards’ meanings. Additionally, cleanse and charge your deck regularly, using methods like smudging, moonlight, or crystals, to maintain its positive energy.

    What are the dos and don’ts with tarot cards?

    Do: Treat your deck with respect, memorize card meanings, trust your intuition, and stay open to the wisdom tarot has to offer.

    Don’t: Use the cards as a crutch for decisions, read when highly emotional or influenced by substances, or rely on the cards for predicting the future.

    How do I make sure my tarot practice stays safe and positive?

    To keep your tarot practice safe and positive, set intentions and boundaries before every reading. Protect your energy by practicing grounding, cleansing, and shielding techniques. Frequently cleanse your cards and reading space, and release any negative energies that may have accumulated. Lastly, remember that tarot can offer guidance and insight but should not replace professional advice for critical life decisions.

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